Monday 19 August 2013


Mind Mapping

13 August 2013
Advantages of mind map

Mind Mapping is a simple, practical tool for improving your creative-thinking, 
planning and problem-solving abilities. Mind mapping helps you to generate more idea in less time. It allows you to represent a great amount of ideas or information in a relatively small space.It helps you to see connections among the things that may have seemed completely 
separated. Mind map make things a lot more easier to remember.

14 August 2013
Disadvantages of mind map,r:61,s:0,i:267&iact=rc&page=4&tbnh=176&tbnw=238&start=46&ndsp=20&tx=138&ty=127

Mind mapping uses a lot of time to think, associations and connections between key words and ideas not readily apparent. Other information may be missed while noting down one idea. Take longer to read and review. Attention wanders easily.

15 August 2013
Benefits of mind map

It helps us to brainstorm and explore any idea , concept or problems. Allows us to easily recall information. Making it easier to organize ideas and concept.

16 August 2013
Step for doing mind map,or.r_qf.&fp=33e36da3a5e9dfbe&q=ways+of+doing+mind+map&sa=1&tbm=isch&facrc=_&imgdii=_&


First, generate a topic that you are focusing on. Second, draw branches from the main topic, keep it less than 2-3 words for all so that it will be more easier to remember. Third, Make more branches off of the main topic. Try to extend thoughts from one idea to the next.

17 August 2013
Ways of doing mind map

Mind map can be done in different ways , make it our own way. For examples, designing it to how you might want it to be and according to your interest. Adding graphic. More pictures, colors instead of words. Basically, the way that you can understand better and remember. 

18 August 2013
Example of a good mind map

These are the mind maps that i find good because not many words, more colors, design , graphic.
Much more easier to read and understand. With the help of the drawings, making it more understandable.

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