Tuesday 30 July 2013


30 JULY 2013

Something that I will never fail to do after I finish my drink. Biting straw and chewing ice. I believe I'm not the only one that does this right? The reason I bite straw after drinking or while drinking is because I'm just bored. I know this is kind of weird but the feeling when you bite a straw is addictive? At times I bite straw until it is torn. When I bite a straw I actually stare into space... and at times I did that because feeling frustrated or thinking hard about a certain thing. I actually bite it unknowingly. I managed to break the habit as I was warned by a lot of people of how disgusting and bad it looks when you did that almost all the time because it does not look good on people eyes. So , whenever I already finish up my drink, I will put it far away from me, however it is not that easy to avoid things that you never fail to do. Therefore, I always have something in my mouth to chew or refill my drink, its better than biting a straw.

Secondly......CHEWING ICE!

Recently, I managed to break my habit of chewing ice! YAY! A few days ago I've stop chewing a lot of ice because I came across a picture of a bad tooth , outcome of a person when they chew ice. It really irks me.. and people around was like "SEE! this is the outcome!" , " This will happen if you continue that!" and more.. I can't remember how I started it but I kept doing it, just like biting a straw. Its addictive! however , it is bad for our teeth, it might eventually crack and there will be a permanent damage and it does not look good on you FOR SURE!

31 JULY 2013
ARTIST/DESIGNER who break the rule of art.

I think that this artiste/designer is creative and clever to invent this butter stick type. Usually butter is spread using butter knife, spoon or etc, but this artiste/designer came out with an idea that making it more easier and convenient to spread the butter onto the bread without using butter knife and etc. He/She might get the idea from the glue stick but just by replacing the glue to a butter. I believe that it is much more easier and faster. BRILLIANT!

1 AUGUST 2013

I got this habit of listening to music to wherever I go. When I am on my way to school, meeting friends or going home, I never fail to have my earpiece on. Therefore, after the day where my lecturer share with us her experience about breaking the habit of listening to music when she is on her way to anywhere. I decided to challenge myself too. I did, but it is not easy...One thing that i realize is that, when i do not have my earpiece with me to listen to music, I actually reflect about a lot of things. I'm more aware about the surroundings and alert. So now, I still listen to music on my way to anywhere just that before having my earpiece on, i reflect on certain things, trying to recall and remember the things that I suppose to do or already done.

2 AUGUST 2013
ARTIST/DESIGNER who break the rule of art.

Its interesting how the artiste arrange the food and drinks on the table into someone portrait
instead of being drawn with art material. For me, I think that it’s kind of having the basic rules in their portrait design but still allow the possibility to break those traditional portrait rules.

3 AUGUST 2013
ARTIST/DESIGNER who break the rule of art.

 These picture above is done by the street artiste.

These street art attract my attention, as how they tell/interpret by art. The first picture is trying to convey a message about nature lending/giving us tools and color to make the world a beautiful place and more understandable. The second picture , I guess it want to tell us about safety, therefore it make the "zebra crossing" or "traffic light" more interesting or keyboard-like to attract people attention and make them do the right thing and follow the law. Last but not the least, i called it the rainbow staircase. The artiste might want to talk about health. By adding colors and words, it will make people attracted especially the kids and use the stairs often instead of elevator or etc.

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